GREENSBURG, Pa. — A Father is faced with accusations after his two children under the age of 3 were left by him in a car, in a dreadful condition as he went into the casino. Guardians Leaving their Children for Death in Cars at the Casinos is becoming a nuance for society.
According to the state police, the kids were aged 1 and 3. They were left in the car for half an hour, where they were found gasping for air in the afternoon last Sunday at the Live Casino Pittsburgh.
According to police, their father, 28-year-old Zachary Bohinski, walked inside to get nachos from Guy Fieri’s restaurant. Rather than returning to his car, he chose to spend the time waiting for his order to be completed inside. A customer at the restaurant reminded him of his children but he chose to ignore it.
Pennsylvania’s State Trooper Steve Limani said about the accident: “Instead of returning to the vehicle, he goes into the casino and starts to play slot machines.”
According to police, security video reveals that Bohinski struck a jackpot on one of the machines, adding to his delay while he awaited his payoff.
Limani further said, ” Luckily the car was running so the heat didn’t cause much danger to the kids, and even though they were gasping for air but the air conditioner played its part and they were able to leave the car without catastrophic consequences.”
This is not a one-time occurrence of guardians leaving their children for death in Cars at the casinos here, the police have dealt with 60 other cases like this one where kids were left alone in a car while their guardian was found gambling in the casino.
Bohinski was arrested and freed earlier this week after being arraigned. He is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday for his civil trial.